PSP© - Successfully steering through change

Positioning | Motivation | Self Marketing | Social Skills


  • puts participants in pole position when launching a career
  • periodic check-up during a career, to be performed as naturally as a periodic medical check-up
  • cost-efficient solution for individuals
  • called on by Executives for ensuring that their managers and specialists can and will efficiently put corporate strategy into practice

Structured and personalised coaching process:

5 intensive coaching sessions of 60 minutes each, analysis of and improvements to the candidate's application file, recommendations for individual career development

per participant   CHF 3'500.-


  • ideal for participants taking their own initiative
  • a must before (re)entering the labour market
  • recommended whenever a job is threatened
  • rapid but efficient analysis of a participant's real and "marketable" strengths and of his/her objectives
  • briefing on most viable career options

Electronic positioning followed by 2 intensive coaching sessions of 60 minutes each and tailor made home work

per participant   CHF 900.-


  • includes a career check-up, design of individual measures for career development and coaching of their realization
  • often on an employer's initiative, sometimes as part of an employee's severance pay
  • most appreciated by individuals who wish to successfully navigate through career change

Structured and personalised coaching process:

5 intensive coaching sessions of 60 minutes each, analysis of and improvements to the candidate's application file, test interviews, recommendations for individual career development, coaching

per participant   CHF 6'000.-


  • totally tailor made career service
  • VIP Outplacement – no set number of coaching sessions
  • during the booked period participants will be fully coached and have access to all of our career services
  • includes full PSP COACHING package
  • introduction into intensive networking

minimum 3 months   per month   CHF 4'000.-


  • Intensive classes for groups of max. 12 participants:
  • Presentations, workshops and individual coaching. Covers the same objectives and services as PSP COACHING for individuals.
  • Classes during consecutive days or over a given period, total duration 5 to 10 days

set price per day   CHF 4'500.-

Complement to the PSP SEMINAR

  • One intensive coaching session of 60 minutes, one test interview

per participant   CHF 700.-

Product Overview PSP
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